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Details make your shoppers' journey from display to POS easier. Econoco's 3½" x 3½" Sign Holder Fits Hang Bar - Statuary Bronze fits over the end of straight hang bars from our Linea series to assist shoppers at their eye level. Use to identify designer labels, sizing, and more. Accepts…
Details make your shoppers' journey from display to POS easier. Econoco's 3½" x 3½" Sign Holder Fits Hang Bar - Statuary Bronze fits over the end of straight hang bars from our Linea series to assist shoppers at their eye level. Use to identify designer labels, sizing, and more. Accepts 3" x 3" signage through a slot on the top of the holder. The holder is finished in the same Statuary Bronze epoxy as the hang bar for a cohesive look. These holders are sold in packages containing 4 holders.
Econoco's online catalog features thousands of merchandising options including hundreds of accessories for our upmarket Linea Collection. Our representatives will be glad to assist you in fulfilling your retail store display requirements. Speak with us today at (800) 645-7032.