There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended. Description:
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended.
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandiser offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended. Description:
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandiser offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended.
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended. Description:
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended.
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended.
Click here to download assembly instructions. Description:
The Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers offers the retailer the ability to cross-merchandise folded and hanging apparel. All units shown are available complete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. Casters are not recommended. Click here to download assembly instructions.
Retailers can cross-promote any folded or hanging apparel for maximum visibility with the Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers. Showcased units are available compete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. We don't recommend casters for this product.
Retailers can cross-promote any folded or hanging apparel for maximum visibility with the Designer 400 Series of combination merchandisers. Showcased units are available compete with tubular frame, brackets, shelves, and hangrails. We don't recommend casters for this product.