There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Standing at 8", you can confidently showcase a freestanding hat from a slatwall panel. We suggest using this with a foam pad (FPMC). Can also be used for sporting goods accessories. Description:
Standing at 8", you can confidently showcase a freestanding hat from a slatwall panel. We suggest using this with a foam pad (FPMC). Can also be used for sporting goods accessories.
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Show off hats one at a time, ideally with a foam pad (FPMC). Is a great choice for sporting goods! Stands at 8" from the slatwall panel. Description:
Show off hats one at a time, ideally with a foam pad (FPMC). Is a great choice for sporting goods! Stands at 8" from the slatwall panel.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Showcase that last hat or sporting good accessory you have in stock. Stands 8" from the slatwall panel and works with foam pads (FPMC). Description:
Showcase that last hat or sporting good accessory you have in stock. Stands 8" from the slatwall panel and works with foam pads (FPMC).
Showcase single pieces of head ware or sporting goods accessories with Econoco's millinery displayer for slatwall. Stands 8" from slatwall panel. We recommend using this with a foam pad (FPMC).
Showcase single pieces of head ware or sporting goods accessories with Econoco's millinery displayer for slatwall. Stands 8" from slatwall panel. We recommend using this with a foam pad (FPMC).