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Locking Caster for Pipeline Racks. Dimensions: 3/8" x 1"-long threaded stem. Weight Capacity: 100 lbs.Materials: Wheel is made of hard rubber; stem is made from steel.Many of Econoco's popular Pipeline collection of merchandising display units are on casters for increased mobility and appeal. A key detail of this series, which…
Materials: Wheel is made of hard rubber; stem is made from steel.
Many of Econoco's popular Pipeline collection of merchandising display units are on casters for increased mobility and appeal. A key detail of this series, which was influenced by the plumbing pipe racks used throughout Manhattan's Garment District, are its casters. Not only do they facilitate selling floor changeovers, but are also made from rubber for years of reliable use. Locking mechanism prevents rolling. That is the attention to detail that Econoco incorporates into every unit we offer. Review our Pipeline series to make your selections for your retail store or boutique.