There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Econoco offers an ideal solution to the need for more merchandising space. The Pipeline series Nesting Table Topper extends selling floor space by attaching to our Pipeline Large Table. Constructed from strong and durable 1¼" diameter plumbing pipe. It has been finished in an attractive gloss white finish. The topper measures 50"W x 12"D x 12"H. This frame is ready to accept your own table top. Recommended size of top should be no greater than 54" X 14".
Our Pipeline series is based on the traditional industrial clothing racks popularized in New York's Garment District. We invite you to review the entire Pipeline collection to find the ideal merchandising display solutions for your retail store. Call our representatives for assistance in making your selections or to place your order at 800-645-7032. Description:
Econoco offers an ideal solution to the need for more merchandising space. The Pipeline series Nesting Table Topper extends selling floor space by attaching to our Pipeline Large Table. Constructed from strong and durable 1¼" diameter plumbing pipe. It has been finished in an attractive gloss white finish. The topper…
There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Econoco offers countless solutions to retailers' need for more selling floor space. Our Pipeline Nesting Table Topper mounts to the Large Nesting Table to add an additional shelf to display select folded apparel prominently. The top is white melamine and the legs are ¾" plumbing pipe with a gloss white finish. Ideal for use at your store's entrance, the topper will attract shopper attention and draw them into your store. The white melamine shelf complements any store decor. Overall dimensions: 54"W x 14"D, Total table height is 12"H.
Econoco's Pipeline collection was inspired by the industrial-style racks seen throughout New York's famous garment center. Our version, while also made from plumbing pipes and connectors, is refined and stylish. It makes an ideal platform for every style of clothing from casual to couture. Take a look at our entire Pipeline collection for ideas on how to maximize selling opportunities in your store. Our representatives will be glad to offer their assistance in making your selections or to place your order at 800-645-7032. Description:
Econoco offers countless solutions to retailers' need for more selling floor space. Our Pipeline Nesting Table Topper mounts to the Large Nesting Table to add an additional shelf to display select folded apparel prominently. The top is white melamine and the legs are ¾" plumbing pipe with a gloss white…
Econoco offers an ideal solution to the need for more merchandising space. This topper attaches to our Pipeline Large Table. You have the option to purchase just the frame, which is ready for your own table top or as a combo set. Recommended size of top should be no greater…
Econoco offers an ideal solution to the need for more merchandising space. This topper attaches to our Pipeline Large Table. You have the option to purchase just the frame, which is ready for your own table top or as a combo set. Recommended size of top should be no greater than 54" X 14".
Our Pipeline series is based on the traditional industrial clothing racks popularized in New York's Garment District. We invite you to review the entire Pipeline collection to find the ideal merchandising display solutions for your retail store.