There are no units in transit at this time. If there are not enough units for your order, please consider a substitute product or contact customer service to order direct from the factory.
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATES All dates shown are approximate and may fluctuate. If desired quantity exceeds units available and units in transit, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Products that facilitate selling floor changeovers are a plus. Econoco's 8' Long Aluminum Wall Channel has been designed to work with a range of our display systems to make this process go quicker and smoother. This horizontal wall track accepts Trac2000, Trac2001, System 94 and Mirage Mini Ladder fittings and…
Products that facilitate selling floor changeovers are a plus. Econoco's 8' Long Aluminum Wall Channel has been designed to work with a range of our display systems to make this process go quicker and smoother. This horizontal wall track accepts Trac2000, Trac2001, System 94 and Mirage Mini Ladder fittings and allows uprights to be moved horizontally, thereby creating flexibility for seasonal changes in design. Track is matte white but may be painted. NOTE: Holes are not pre-drilled and screws are not included. Wall channel units are sold in pairs.
Bring our knowledgeable representatives your questions and store requirements. We'll be glad to assist you to make the best selections for your retail space and budget. Call today at 800-645-7032.