We apply this to our everyday business model as well as strive to live it, as a part of our Social Responsibility
Core Value: Do the right thing.
Sustainability has no end point - it's about continous improvement
Our Economic, Social, and Environmental contributions
Promoting a Hybrid/Remote work environment
Since 2020 our minimum wage is 50% higher than the U.S. average.
Process Evaluation for Job Creation
Influencing broader supply chains
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Equal Employment without prejudice
Employment ratio of 50% women
Community Partnerships (Long Island Cares, Buy Local)
Osha regulated Health and Safety Practices & Fair Labor Standards
Using recyclable materials and finishes with lead free, non-toxic or water based paint.
Renewable Clean Energy Initiatives
Target Design & Engineering initiatives to:
Reduce manufacturing steps to lower carbon footprint
Consider material yields to reduce and eliminate waste.
Pledging toward a 100% paperless communication strategy
We know that's not enough! We are committed to investing in a sustainable future for our company, community, clients, and partners around the world.
Econoco will be celebrating its 100th birthday in 2025
What better time to pledge our promise for a Sustainable Tomorrow:
Double our current donation efforts with LI Cares toward ending hunger on Long Island